Victim protection

Today I found this, and I think it's the best.
It's app to protect the victims. Please check the website, you will see it's too amazing help.

Just start. 
Starting a task makes it easier to finish; 
our brain are wired to complete tasks.

Source: HuffingtonPost

Better driving

Do you know that chew gum when you drive, drease frustation, increase alertness and make the ride semm shorter?

The gum should be peppermint or cinnamon gum. Do you need to try it, because:

  • Decrease frustation by 25%.
  • Increase alertness by 30%.
  • Actually make the ride semm 30% shorter.
Work in short bursts. 
You can do more in less time, 
if you're focused and energized.

Source: HuffingtonPost
Be unavailable 
during your peak performance hours, 
so you can use energy for big projects.

Source: FastCompany
Quit whining. 
"You don't have to feel 
like doing something in order to do it".

Source: FastCompany

How to jump a car

Start with both cars off
1. Red cable on dead car
2. Red cable on donor car
3. Black cable on donor car
4. Black cable on dead car
5. Start the donor car
6. Start the dead car
7. Remove the black cable from dead car
8. Remove the black cable from donor car
9. Remove the red cable from donor car
10. Remove the red cable from dead car.

Forget perfection. 
Get things done. 
If you aim for perfection, 
most tasks will never be completed.

Source: FastCompany
Increase productivity by 16% 
by taking 20-minute breaks 
in between 90-minute work sessions.

Source: Gregory Ciotti
Take a vacation. 
For every 10 hours of vacation, 
performance improves by 8%.

Source: NY times

How to remove a ring from a swollen finger

Everyone has ever happened it, the ring is on easy, but then the ring doesn't come off your finger.
It seems as if our finger had suddenly widened.
Try this solution.

Tie an elastic band, thread or dental floss around your finger, as close as possible to where you have the ring. Then try to feed the band through the ring and catch it.
Now, start unwrapping it and the threat will bring the ring with it.

Source: Lifehacks
The best performers across many disciples 
work in 90-minute sessions, 
for no more than 4h a day.

Source: NY times
Only ever work on the thing 
that will have the biggest impact.
Always know the one thing 
you really need to get done during the day.

Source: Jason cohen
Take a nap. 
Recommended nap time varies 
from 10-30minutes. 
Pick a lenght that energizes you.

Source: Forbes


  • Wash your clothes in cold water using cold-water detergents whenever possible.
  • Wash and dry full loads. If you are washing a small load, use the appropriate water-level setting.
  • Dry towels and heavier cottons in a separate load from lighter-weight clothes.
  • Don't over-dry your clothes. If your machine has a moisture sensor, use it.
  • Clean the lint screen in the dryer after every load to improve air circulation and prevent fire hazards.
  • Periodically, use the long nozzle tip on your vacuum cleaner to remove the lint that collects below the lint screen in the lint screen slot of your clothes dryer.
  • Use the cool-down cycle to allow the clothes to finish drying with the heat remaining in the dryer.
  • Periodically inspect your dryer vent to ensure it is not blocked. This will save energy and may prevent a fire. Manufacturers recommend using rigid venting material -- not plastic vents that may collapse and cause blockages.
  • Consider air-drying clothes on clothes lines or drying racks. Air drying is recommended by clothing manufacturers for some fabrics.

Challenge: 21-Day anxiety

Day 1: Fill in a coloring book.
Day 2: Try breathing exercises.
Day 3: Listen to mood.boosting music.
Day 4: Meditate.
Day 5: Get on the phone.
Day 6: Go for a jog.
Day 7: Do a crossword puzzle.
Day 8: Say positive affirmations to yourself.
Day 9: Remove caffeine from your life.
Day 10: Let it all come out.
Day 11: Write in a journal.
Day 12: Dance like nobody is watching.
Day 13: Schedule your worrying.
Day 14: Use a stress ball.
Day 15: Try yoga.
Day 16: Go on a digital detox.
Day 17: Work on an art project.
Day 18: Step outside and take a walk.
Day 19: Laugh.
Day 20: Take a hot bath.
Day 21: Accept your feelings.

Strengthen weak hair

The vodka has numerous beauty benefits. It’s naturally antiseptic, astringent and tightens the pores.
It cleanses and brightens your skin and hair. And keep healthy your skin and hair.
The vodka acts as a preservative, allowing you to keep this one around for a long time and make on an as-needed basis.

Adding vodka to your shampoo can strengthen your hair, prevent dry scalp, and stop dandruff.
Add a splash of vodka to your preferred shampoo and mix well. Start with a teaspoon and adjust as necessary.
The vodka mixes product build up and excess oil, leaving your hair lush and vibrant. 

Another tip is start to add lemon slices and 2 cups of water to a sauce pan and simmer, while covered, on low heat for about 20-30 minutes.
Let the liquid cool for another 10 minutes, remove the lemon slices, and then funnel the líquid into a spray bottle. Follow up with a tablespoon of vodka, shake and then use as needed.

You can cure hair loss, apply in your scalp the mixture of tablespoon of honey, onion juice and a jigger of vodka, and wear a shower cap.
Leave it on your hair overnight and wash it off in the morning.

You can deal with dandruff, leave the mixture of 3 teaspoons of dried rosemary with a cup of vodka overnight. In the morning, strain the solution, massage it on your scalp and wash it off with cold water.

 To promote the hair growth and lustrous and shiny hair, mix water and a tablespoon of vodka as a final rinse.
Never Give Up

Source: Someone said...
Anything’s possible, 
if you’ve got enough nerve.

Source: J.K. Rowling
Find three hobbies you love: 

one to make you money, 

one to keep you in shape, 

and one to be creative.

Source: Someone said...

Morning routine

Find a morning routine that inspires you and gets your day rolling, it will be even easier to wake up.

1. Reflect on the work you did the day before.
2. Finish everything you didn’t get done the day before.
3. DON’T check your email or social media.
4. Write an email to someone you’re out of touch with.
5. Or, clear out your email.
6. Have an adult “homeroom.”
7. Get your daily exercise out of the way.
8. Make a to-do list and a to-don’t list.
9. Do the hardest thing on your to-do list.
10. Start meditating.
11. Go on a visualization walk.
12. Actually make your bed.
13. Take a bath instead of a shower.
14. Use your extra time to learn something.
15. Do something that actually makes money.
16. Make your favorite breakfast.
17. Take your breakfast back to bed.
18. Have a breakfast date with a friend you never see.
19. Start journaling.
20. Or, work on a book.
21. Read for pleasure.
22. Take the long way to work.
23. Spend the whole hour on the thing you like doing best.
24. Plan out how you’ll spend the the rest of your 23 hours.
Source: BuzzFeed
Life is tough, my darling 
but so are you.

Source: Stephanie Bennett Henry
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction

ends up being the biggest step of your life. 

Tip toe if you must, 

but take the step.

Source: Someone said...
It’s okay to be a glowstick. 

Sometimes we have to break 

before we shine.

Source: Someone said...
Make today so awesome, 

yesterday gets jealous.

Source: someone said...
Attitude is everything. 

New way, new strength, new thoughts.

Source: Someone said...
The only thing standing between you 
and your goal is the bull shit story 
you keep telling yourself 
as to why you can’t achieve it.

Source: Someone said...
Prove them wrong.

Source: Someone said...
Invest in people 

who invest in you.

Source: Someone said...
Never apologize for having high standards. 

People who really want to be in your life 

will rise up to meet them.

Source: Someone said...
The 3 C’s in life:
Choice, Chance, Change. 
You must make the choice, 
to take the chance, 
if you want anything in life to chance.

Source: Someone said...
All our dreams can come true, 
if we have the courage to pursue them.

Source: Walk Disney
Be fearless in the pursuit of 

what sets your soul on fire.

Source: Someone said...
If you want something you never had. 
You have to do something you’ve never done.

Source: Someone said...
Almost every successful person
begins with two beliefs:
the future can be better than the present, 
and I have the power to make it so.

Source: Someone said...
It’s not about being the best. 
It’s about being better 
than you were yesterday.

Source: Someone said...
It’s okay to be scared. 
Being scared means 
you’re about to do 
something really, really brave.

Source: Someone said...
Throw me to the wolves
and I will return leading the pack.

Source: Someone said...
I am obsessed 
with becoming
a woman comfortable in her skin.

Source: Someone said...

Challenge arm workout: 3 minuts

Arm circles: (30"): Stretch arms out to "T". Palms face the floor.
Knee push-ups (30"): Start on all fours, hands and knes on ground. Lower body until shoulders align with elbows.
Overhead press (30"): Start with elbows bent at 90º. Using your own resistance, push arms slowly up and overhead, until fully extended.
Floor tricep dips (30"): Knees bent, hands behind, fingers forward. Push up through arms, lift, hips, and extend elbows.
Knee push-ups (30"): Start on all fours, hands and knes on ground. Lower body until shoulders align with elbows.
Biceps curls(30"): Start feet apart, arms at sides. Lock elbows against body, and using your own resistance, slowly curl arms up.

Source: Buzz feed

Stop waiting for Friday, for summer,
for someone to fall in love with you, for life.
Happiness is achieved 
when you stop waiting for it
and make the most of the moment you are in now.

Source: Someone said...
You are capable of more 

than you know.

Source: Someone said...
You don’t get the ass you want

by sitting on it.

Source: Someone said...


Challenge: Flat belly

The best workout to flat belly.

  • 25 lunges with every leg. 
  • 25 leg lifts.
  • 60seg plank jack.
  • 30 squats.
  • 25 sit ups.
  • 60seg plank jack.

Try to repeat this workout for 10 minuts, rest 1 between them.

No matter how you feel 

get up, 

dress up, 

show up 

and never give up.

Source: Someone said...
You can 

and you will.

Source: Someone said...
Good things,

take time.

Source: Someone said...
Don’t call it a dream,

call it a plan.

Source:Someone said...
Be stubborn about your goals, 

and flexible about your methods.

Source: Someone said...
Will it be easy? Nope. 

Worth it? Absolutely.

Source: Someone said...

The 17-Day Green Tea Diet

Green tea boosts your metabolism seriously hydrating clears up your skin contains antioxidants. All with zero calories.

  • Fight cancer.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Prevents cavities.
  • Protects against heart disease. 
  • Speeds metabolism.
  • Prevent diabetes.
  • Antiviral agent.
  • Maintains a healthy circulatory system. It reduces high blood pressure.
  • Strengthens tooth enamel.
  • Reduces plaque and bacteria in your mouth.
  • Prevents dementia.
  • Full of antioxidants.
  • Prevents food poisoning.
  • Gives healthy skin.
  • Prevents bad breath.
  • Detoxifies.
  • Low stress brain power.
  • Protect your lungs.
  • Help to protect your liver from alcohol.

In this diet, all you need to do is drink a cup of green tea after every meal. The compound Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) present in green tea boosts your metabolism rate and reduces the appetite. The increased metabolism thus helps in burning the stored fat in the body.

You need  to consume it regularly. To benefit the maximum from green tea is by drinking it 4-5 times a day. Generally, green tea tastes bitter but you can add some honey, ice or lemon juice. 
Remember, tea contains caffeine, drinking too much of it might hinder your regular sleep. You should generally avoid sipping tea at night.
Your life does nor get better by chance, 

it gets better by change.

Source: Jim rohn
You need do this for yourself.

Source: Someone said...
Think less, do more.

Source: Someone said...

Challenge: Perfect butt!!!

¿Do you want a perfect butt, in just a month? Follow this challence and you will see the results by yourself.

Day 1: 10 squats
Day 2: 15 squats
Day 3: 20 squats
Day 4: 25 squats
Day 5: 30 squats
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: 30 squats
Day 8: 35 squats
Day 9: 40 squats
Day 10: 45 squats
Day 11: 50 squats
Day 12: Rest
Day 13: 50 squats
Day 14: 55 squats
Day 15: 60 squats
Day 16: 65 squats
Day 17: 70 squats
Day 18: Rest
Day 19: 70 squats
Day 20: 75 squats
Day 21: 80 squats
Day 22: 85 squats
Day 23: 90 squats
Day 24: Rest
Day 25: 90 squats
Day 26: 95 squats

Day 27: 100 squats
There is no elevator to success. 
You have to take the stairs.

Source: Someone said...
Before Alice got to Wonderland, she had to fall pretty hard down a deep hole.

Source: Someone said...
Never give up on a dream of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

Source: Earl Nightingale
Happiness can be found
even in the darkest of times,
if one only remembers to turn on the tight.

Souce: Someone said...
Everything you do now is for your future. 

Think about that.

Source: Someone said...
What if I fall? 
Oh, but my darling, 
what if you fly?

Source: Someone said...

First Dieting secret to weight loss

Today, we are going to discover the first dieting secret.

It's been scientifically proven that eating a protein and fiber-rich breakfast leads to weight loss. The first dieting secret is Eating breakfast. 

Studies show that eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism, so it’s an easy way to kick-start your efforts.
"People skip breakfast thinking they're cutting calories, but by mid-morning and lunch, that person is starved… Breakfast skippers replace calories during the day with mindless nibbling, bingeing at lunch and dinner. They set themselves up for failure." says Milton Stokes, RD, MPH, chief dietitian for St. Barnabas Hospital in New York City.

They found that regular breakfast eaters were more likely to exercise regularly. And women who ate breakfast regularly tended to eat fewer calories overall during the day. Those men and women who ate breakfast cereal had lower overall fat intake -- compared to those who ate other breakfast foods.
Eating early in the day keeps us from "starvation eating" later on. But it also jump-starts your metabolism, says Elisabetta Politi, RD, MPH, nutrition manager for the Duke Diet & Fitness Center at Duke University Medical School. "When you don't eat breakfast, you're actually fasting for 15 to 20 hours, so you're not producing the enzymes needed to metabolize fat to lose weight."

That's where fruits, vegetables, and whole grains come into the picture. Because these are high-fiber foods, they fill you up - yet they bring less fat to the table, says Barbara J. Rolls, author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan.
If you eat foods with high energy density, such as bagels, you rack up calories quickly. If you eat high-fiber, low-energy-density foods - such as oatmeal, strawberries, walnuts, and low-fat yogurt -- you can eat more and get fewer calories.

Why should you have breakfast?
Research suggests that regularly eating a healthy breakfast may help you lose excess weight and maintain your weight loss in the following ways:
·         Reduced hunger:  which may make it easier to avoid overeating later in the day. In addition, the prolonged fasting that occurs when you skip breakfast can increase your body's insulin response, which in turn increases fat storage and weight gain.
·         Healthy choices: People who eat breakfast tend to eat a healthier overall diet, one that is more nutritious and lower in fat. In contrast, people who skip breakfast are more likely to skip fruits and vegetables the rest of the day, too.
·         More energy: Routinely skipping breakfast is associated with decreased physical activity. A healthy breakfast refuels your body and replenishes the glycogen stores that supply your muscles with immediate energy.

Follow these breakfast rules to help you slim down:
Eat right away: Studies have found that eating breakfast helps keep your metabolism revved, so be sure to eat within 30-60 minutes of waking to take advantage of your body’s full fat-burning potential.
Load up on protein: breakfast high in protein (think eggs and Greek yogurt) can ward off hunger pangs, helping eat less and ultimately lose weight. The protein in eggs increases satiety and decreases hunger, which helps you eat fewer calories throughout the day. Other proteins that you should have in your breakfast (black beans, greek yogurt, wild salmon, chicken breast, cottage cheese and grounded turkey).
Add a banana: Eating a breakfast that’s high in Resistant Starch (like the bananas and oats) can help you stay full and help you burn more calories since it prompts your body to use fat for energy.

The best fruits/veg for your breakfast:

Sweet potatoes
Bell pepper
Chia seeds

If you choose have carbohydrates, choose between these: quinoa, whole wheat bread, oats, walnuts.

The best drink option for your breakfast is Green tea or smoothie.
What if we told you we’d discovered the most effective weight-loss tool in the world is green tea. Literally hundreds of studies, found in The 17-Day Green Tea Diet, have been carried out to document the health benefits of catechins. And the most powerful of all catechins, a compound called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, is found almost exclusively in green tea.

Here are quick, tasty and nutritious choices:
·         Milk and whole-grain cereal and a piece of fruit.
·         Instant oatmeal topped with raisins and milk.
·         Whole-grain granola topped with fruit and yogurt.
·         Fruit smoothie made with yogurt.
·         Cheese and whole-grain crackers, boiled eggs and a piece of fruit.
·         A handful of almonds or walnuts, a banana and a glass of green tea.